Pornhub Visitors Declines After Iphone X Official Launch

Pornhub Suffers Less Visitors As Apple Launches The iPhone X

Pornhub Visitors Declines After Iphone X Official Launch

The site specializing in the production and distribution of adult content, PornHub has revealed that it dramatically lost the attention of its loyal users simply due to the tech giant Apple’s live event broadcast, especially during the presentation of its new smartphone the iPhone X.
Pornhub Suffers Less Visitors As Apple Launches The iPhone X
According to the site, the percentage of users who stopped watching videos to watch the transmission of Apple was 7% in the United States, while in the rest of the world the decrease in traffic was 4%.

We know that the percentage does not say much, but if we take into account that the same company published at the beginning of this year, the results of 2016, presuming that daily had a traffic of approximately 64 million hits a day, that is 44,000 people per minute.

So we could say that on average about 5 million people stopped paying attention to adult content to see what the CEO of the tech giant Apple, of course, Tim Cook and the company presented.

Later, the site for adults, PornHub explained that when noticing these variations in their traffic were given the task of investigating since devices were the largest decrease in traffic if in MacOS or iOS, finding that the falls were occurring by 8 and 12 respectively.

Although once the event ended the traffic quickly rose again to 4% above the average, although that extra level could not stay more than an hour, unlike the huge curvature that presented the event of the tech giant Apple.

Undoubtedly, there is undeniable interest from the United States and the rest of the world for what the tech giant Apple may or may not present, demonstrating once again that despite the overwhelming traffic that the giant adult entertainment site, it shows that it is an empty entertainment (the one that seems to be enjoyed when there is nothing better to see or do) as this is not the first time that other entertainment events manage to snatch audience.

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